Executive Board / Contact Us Amoskeag Gear

Executive Board

Position Contact Email
President Paul E. Godbout paulegodbout@gmail.com
Vice-President Alexander G. Gatzoulis agatzoulis@hotmail.com
Treasurer Deb Roedel dro790@aol.com
Secretary Brigit Ryan-Souza BrigitMRyanSouza@gmail.com
Youth Director TBD Amoskeagyouth@comcast.net
Sponsorship Eileen Dupere eledupere@hotmail.com
Men's Match Secrectary Anthony Santana anthony7880@gmail.com
Women's Match Secrectary Molly Hildebrandt mwhildebrandt@gmail.com
Recruiting Director Vanessa Burton amoskeagrecruiting@gmail.com
Men's Representative Brian Ouellette Brian.ouellette@icloud.com
Women's Representative Paige Laprise plaprise19@gmail.com

Rookie Rugby

Rookie Rugby is the introductory game for rugby. It is a non-contact version of rugby developed for youth. Boys and girls, age 5-12, are welcome. Rookie Rugby is played at Thibeault Field in Manchester. To register, for questions or more information, please email AmoskeagRookieRugby@gmail.com

Spring 2022 Rookie Rugby will begin in April. Information on details and registration can be found here: Spring 2022 Rookie Rugby Flier


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